As the holiday season quickly approaches, we are met with yet another heartbreaking reality of 2020—that more families than ever before are not going to have a holiday meal to share with their loved ones.
For most of us, the holidays are a time of gathering, laughter and joy, but for over 300,000 of our neighbors right here in our 20-county service area, there is a sense of sadness and unease looming over the impeding season.
The COVID-19 pandemic has ripped away our “normal” and left so many of our neighbors without a paycheck, food on their tables, and hope for a better tomorrow.
This holiday season, you can turn someone’s hunger into hope. You can give the gift of joy and promise by donating a holiday meal to someone in need.
Would you consider giving a gift to provide a holiday meal and hopeful memories to a family in need?
raised of $300 goal3,191
meals of 1,500 goal5
supporters -

In Support of Harvest Hope Food Bank
Harvest Hope is South Carolina’s largest food bank, providing over 25 million meals on average to neighbors in need across the Midlands, Pee Dee and Upstate. Harvest Hope is on a mission to eliminate hunger and food insecurity in South Carolina. We rescue nutritious food from stores throughout the state and distribute it to food pantries, shelters, and soup kitchens.
We operate programs that provide food for our most vulnerable citizens – children, seniors, and rural residents who don’t have access to grocery stores. We also run our own emergency food pantries in Greenville and Columbia where anyone in need can get a week’s supply of groceries for free.
Harvest Hope began in 1981 as the result of a shared vision of business leaders and the faith community, who set out to provide for the hungry in Columbia. Since then, Harvest Hope has increased its mission to feed the hungry across 20 counties in South Carolina.